Full Gospel Church
Our services
Stay ahead with a list of our weekly services and meetings. These here are the regularly scheduled meetings. You can also see a list of any special event that we have scheduled, if you need further information about this or any of the information here, either email us at email@fullgospelchurch.co.uk or alternatively Click our address below to see a map of where we are.

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See below a list of all of the regular services happening at our church as well as all of the scheduled special events.
Sunday 10:30am Prayer Meeting before church.

11am Morning worship with Holy Communion and Junior Church
  6:30pm Gospel Service
Monday 7pm Bible Study (Location specified on Sunday)
Tuesday 7:30pm Prayer meeting at church
Thursday 7:30pm Prayer meeting at church
Friday 7:30pm Crusaders (Except school holidays)
Saturday 6pm Worship team practice

Once per month at 5pm (exact date communicated saparately) Worship team prayer meeting, followed by practice at 6pm
Dates for your diary!

We Are here:

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